
Day 1 - Thursday, 04th

Arrival for guest

Smudging with Sage, Palo Santo, copal and other aromatic herbs, upon arrival, tour of house everyone settles in to there sleeping spaces

5-6 pm
7-9 pm


Star gazing and relax.

3-4 pm

Opening Circle

Intro, with the facilitators
Sound Healing

6-7 pm

Arrival for guest

Smudging with Sage, Palo Santo, copal and other aromatic herbs, upon arrival, tour of house everyone settles in to there sleeping spaces

3-4 pm

Opening circle

Intro, with the facilitators
Sound Healing

5-6 pm


6-7 pm


Star gazing and relax.

Day 2 - Friday, 05th



Stargazing, integration, relaxation.

8:00 - 8:30am


Kundalini yoga/breath of fire

1:00 - 1:30pm


Kundalini yoga/breath of fire



1:00 - 1:30pm

Reiki circle





Stargazing, integration, relaxation.


Day 3 - Saturday, 06th


Adventure Tour

Everyone meet at Secret Garden to
hang prayer flag and walk labyrinth,
meditate followed by meadow
meditation walk connection point
with the mountain.


Adventure Tour

Meet on the mountain at panthers
meadow to the purest drinking
water to collect spring water.

Nov 09, 2017

Root Charka activation Yoga

Kundalini yoga & meditation


Adventure Tour

Meet at Castle Lake for a sacred
water meditation/activation & picnic.

Gratitude Hiking

Meet on the mountain at panthers
meadow to the purest drinking

water to collect spring water than

visit the mother pool for prayer

and drum followed by closing

ceremony at the labyrinth.



Stargazing, integration, relaxation.

Root Charka activation Yoga

Kundalini yoga & meditation


Adventure Tour

Everyone meet at Secret Garden to
hang prayer flag and walk labyrinth,
meditate followed by meadow
meditation walk connection point
with the mountain.


Adventure Tour

Meet at Castle Lake for a sacred
water meditation/activation & picnic.


Adventure Tour

Meet on the mountain at panthers
meadow to the purest drinking
water to collect spring water.

Gratitude Hiking

Meet on the mountain at panthers
meadow to the purest drinking

water to collect spring water than

visit the mother pool for prayer

and drum followed by closing

ceremony at the labyrinth.





Stargazing, integration, relaxation.

Nov 09, 2017

Sunday, 07th

Retreat Includes



Kundalini Yoga

Sound Healing


Light Language

Cacao Ceremony

Essential Oils

Aura Cleansing

Motivational & inspirational talks


Learn a variety of breathing techniques from breath of fire to fire up your Agni (inner fire/passion) to 9 breath method for a mild natural DMT experience, open up to the breath of life & rebalance your nervous system thru breath work practices!


Enjoy the benefits that mindful meditation brings to ones daily life that can be implemented throughout the day to release stress and tune into your heart. A guided theta chakra meditation bringing you on a journey to connect with source energy/God/Creator of all that is re-remembering your Oneness and aligning/balancing your chakras.

Kundalini Yoga

kundalini yoga is one of the most powerful forms of yoga combining Breath, Mudras, chanting (sound frequencies) and movements that awakens the kundalini energy at the base of your spine to be activated. These classes will be suitable for all levels most certainly beginners.

Sound Healing

We will be incorporating the hang, gong, singing bowls, medicine drum & rattle throughout the retreat along with a Didgeridoo sound bath. Allowing deep relaxation thru sound frequencies to rejuvenate the body, mind and spirit.

Dream catcher & prayer flag making

In this Playshop you will learn how to make a dreamcatcher along with how it can assist you in the dream world & conversation about dreams/lucid dreams. We will also all make a personal prayer flag that we will all hang at the Secret garden on our last day together.

Light Language/Galactic Embodiment

The language of light is our original language. It is a combination of sound vibrations, mudras & drawn symbols holding vibrational frequencies that can rejuvenate and restore all of our cells back to its original Divine Perfection!It is the language of the heart! Not to be de-coded or translated by the mind but to be felt by the heart. It purifies, transmutes & clears all blocking one from creator of all that is, ones Divine Truth which is Love!Galactic Embodiment is a guided journey allowing our inner child to be embodied in the moment and play! Bringing forth that child like innocence that is connected to all the magical realms and remembers there original languages before being programmed into society. By allowing your inner child to fully be embodied thru you now; your authentic version of self comes thru to play, this is a space to release all judgement, critisisim, fear, shyness and so on knowing that it is your birthright to shine bright.

Cacao Ceremony

The powerful yet gentle medicine plant of cacao facilities heart opening and is a wonderful way to bring us together in a sacred container to open up and connect. Ceremonial cacao from Guatemala is provided from a wonderful sustainable lovely family from the Lake. This is a seed planting journey for us all to set an intention, plant a seed of something we are called to birth into physical creation ending with movement.

Essential oils

A interactive play shop with organic & wild harvested high quality essential oils from Essential oil Wizardry will be presented for an arometherapy experience. 12 oils will be available to smell, learn and connect with along with a card reading from a hand crafted Light code Essential oil deck.

Aura Cleansing

Upon arrival you will be greeted with a energy smudging of sage and frankincense

Motivational & inspirational talks on various topics

How to change your frequency/ change your life, Astral hygiene for bliss, Taking your power back, becoming a conscious programmer with practical practices to do so.